Thursday, December 4

en 縁 and ki 気

In Japan, we often refer "en(縁)”, different from Yen( ´_ゝ`)ノ, as karma, sort of known each other by superpower.

In Japan, we refer ”ki (気)” as a wave of power from someone's heart.(*´ -`)(´- `*)

RENI,being a Japanese girl, sees and feels "En" and "Ki" when I talk (=゚ω゚)人(゚ω゚=)ぃょぅ! to you.

It is not to please you. No, it's different.

It is to see and feel something invisible , and it come from animal instinct that are still left in human being. And that, I believe, is giving me consideration and kindness.(゚∀゚)アヒャヒャ

日本の縁とは、(お金のことじゃなくてね( ´_ゝ`)ノ)めぐり合わせのようなもの。

日本の気とは、相手から感じる心の波長(*´ -`)(´- `*)のようなもの。。。




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