Monday, July 6

I am ...(~@~)

So I searched a dumping ground!!

There were many many (30 or more??)Big Black Plastic bags!!

ooooooooohhhhh.....( -д-)ノ

But I had to find My Departure record(ノ`Д´)ノ

The First Big Black Plastic bag that I opened had many branches and leafs in it(。・ω・)ノ゙

OK!I understood!! I should tap Big Black Plastic bag first!!

Second time I tap a Plastic bag and opened it !!

Yattaaaaaav( ̄∇ ̄)v

I found my Departure record (´▽`)(´∀`*)(´∀`)


igme said... almost lost that one, have to keep all your important documents in a safe place where you can easily find them. You'll never know when unexpected situations might come up.


ReniReni said...


I under stand igme-san...(+.+)

I am sorry to have troubled you so much m(__)m <-This is Japanese OJIGIstyle!