Saturday, October 24

Future People

Helloooo  My Angels!!(・∀・)つ

Reni thinks Future Peoples' relationships are beyond interests and tricks(・◇・)ゞ 

It's about not making money,not boyfriend & girlfriend relationship,but just fun(・∀・)つ

It's like a HARUHI('▽'*)

Reni's ideal is making good relationships with good people, have fun, and then interests follow.。゚+.(・∀・)゚+.゚

Reni wants to have cute smile and be easy all the time(゚∀゚)アヒャヒャ

Reni's life is surrounded by good people with a lots of fun and happy go lucky(*'-'*)


Ryan said...

I want you to have a cute smile and be easy all the time too ^^
you are always lucky reni lol :D

ReniReni said...

Thank you Ryan-kun!!

We are always lucky v(*0*)v