Friday, August 14

My shy Master

My new song "My shy Master"(・◇・)ゞ

This song is about ...cuteness!!

She likes him.He likes her.

But he is very shy and hard worker.

She wants to help him. like a maid does. so he is "My shy Master."

This song is written half in Japanese and half in English.


igme said...

I can't wait to hear that song, Reni-chan. Will you be making a PV for it as well?

Unknown said...

I look forward to your song!

I hope you are well! I'll come see you perform in New York sometime. :) I wish I had more time to talk to you at Otakon too!

Talk to you later,


ReniReni said...


Thank you for comments!!

I will recording on next week!!

I want PV too.but Reni don't have time now...I can't make PV...

I will make cute PV(>@<)/


I hope to see you and talk to you too!!(^^)

Reni is English no't very well...

But I want talk Nattle-san m(__)m

Unknown said...

Will you be selling items at NYAF? I want a Reni CD! (@O@)

ReniReni said...

Hi!!Downtown Otaku-san!!(^@^)/
I will selling items at NYAF!!
Thank you!!(>@<)